Through the Rotary Youth Programs, young people from the age of 7 have many opportunities to learn new and showcase their existing skills, build their confidence, make new friends, and travel the world. Whether it is RotaKids, Interact, Rotary Youth Exchange, Rotary Young Leadership Award (RYLA), or the Youth Competitions here in the UK, there is something for every young person in Rotary.
Here at Southampton Solent Rotary we have been actively supporting young people in our local community for many years. Youth Speaks, RYLA, and school outings have been a focus for us. We will be exploring additional avenues in the future.
Youth Speaks
Youth Speaks offers young people the opportunity to speak on a public platform as part of a team, to challenge their public speaking abilities and perform, persuade and entertain the audience with your display of wit and knowledge of a topic. The teams choose their topic, and present their arguments and points of discussion to a panel of skilled orators, usually Rotarians and school teachers.
Southampton Solent Rotary has been working with St. Anne's Catholic School in Southampton since 2020.

Rotary Youth Leadership Award
Known as RYLA, the Awards are a global leadership development program and an intensive leadership experience organised by Rotary clubs and districts where young people aged 14-30 develop their skills as a leader while having fun and making connections.
Depending on community needs, RYLA may take the form of a one-day seminar, a three-day retreat, or a weeklong camp. Typically, events last 3-10 days and include presentations, activities, and workshops covering a variety of topics including:
• Leadership fundamentals and ethics
• Communication skills
• Problem solving and conflict management
• Mental Health Skills
Communities might host a RYLA event for secondary school students to hone their leadership potential, for university students to develop creative problem-solving strategies, or for young professionals to learn ethical business practices.
Our courses are specifically for 16-17 year olds (typically school years 11 and 12) and are an intense weekend-long program. We are always looking for individuals who could benefit from RYLA. Please get in touch if you know of someone who could reap the rewards!
Find out more about RYLA in our District here.
Vermont is a small special school in Southampton for children aged 5-11 who experience social, emotional and behavioural difficulties. All of the young children experience challenging behaviour and may also have many associated conditions and disabilities such as ADHD, Autistic Spectrum disorders and attachment disorders. Every child has an Education, Health and Care Plan.
Southampton Rotary have, for a number of years, provided financial and fellowship support for the
school which includes the provision of new furniture and equipment and an annual outing
to Paulton’s Park. Southampton Solent Rotary will continue to support Vermont School for the foreseeable future.

Southampton Music Hub
Founded in 2012, Southampton Music Hub is a growing partnership of local, regional and national organisations, working together to build an inspiring and inclusive programme of music making that reflects the cultural diversity of our city. Together we are dedicated to delivering life-changing music experiences that enrich the life, health and well-being of our children and our community.
Southampton Solent Rotary is committed to:
Support for local musicians if they want to take part in the annual Rotary Young Musician’s Competition.
Support for young musician’s if they want to take part in Southampton Music Festivals and Events.
Provision of a support link with the local business community as and when required.